CPIT 490 - Mobile Application Development

In this course, we will learn Android programming from Basics
Android Studio will be used as the tool for this course
Students are required to read the Course Description and Course Policy (Lecture and Lab Policy) before proceeding into the course materials
Students are advised to check this page for updates and announcements. All tasks should be performed in time
Exam questions include: (1) a code snippet is given and the output is expected and vice versa (2) multiple-choice questions (3) a code snippet is given to be corrected or to fill-in the left parts
Grades-CA and Grades-CAR
Exam 1: 20 Marks; Lectures 1 and 2
Exam 2: 20 Marks; Lectures 3 and 4
Final Exam: 30 Marks - covers all the chapters
Lab Component: 30 Marks
Lab Grades
Daily Practice: 5 Marks
Practical Quizzes (3): 6 Marks
Practical Test: 10 Marks
Project: 9 Marks
Practical Quizzes(4th week, 8th week, 12th week): Each quiz is of 5 questions only. Students are required to answer the questions using code snippets. Quizzes will be open book
Practical Test (last week): Student will be given an apk file with the source code, where certain parts are removed. Students have to make the necessary changes to enable the code to work as expected. Test will be open book. Students have to answer a set of questions related to the test. Marks obtained will be pro-rated based on the written questions
Project (group of two students): This is divided into three phases (4th week, 8th week, 12th week). The first two phases carry 2.5 marks each. The third phase carries 4 marks. Each phase has to be submitted individually. Students are advised to form a group of 3 or 4 members and decide on an android application and write to the instructor about it

Lecture Slides: Just follow https://developer.android.com/training/index.html

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9/28/2016 7:42:09 AM