Senior Project 2 - CPIT 499

Process Chart for Senior Projects

Senior Project Details - Manual


Course Plan
Task 1 (Week 1). Get the supervisor monitoring form and get it signed and use it throughout the semester. Meet your supervisor weekly and use this form to fill in the tasks
Task 2 (Week 2). Bring the report template which contains all the parts from CPIT 498, which is needed for CPIT 499, in proper format. Also, bring the code that contains at least the structure of the project, which you could get from the design you have done in CPIT 498. We will work on the implementation using version management. Update the analysis and design part of your project based on recent developments. Note that Version Management is mandatory.
Task 3. Complete the mid-term report and get ready for mid-term presentation. For the report, make sure to use the template provided. This is the same you have used in CPIT 498. Read Page 9 of the template to know what is expected
Task 4. The consent of the supervisor is needed to appear for code demonstration and final presentation
Task 5. Complete the tasks needed for code demonstration, final presentation and final report.
Task 6. Complete the hard bound copy of the final report. Make sure to include a CD copy of your report and the code

Week 2 = 9th November 11AM (THU) = Poster Presentation
Week 11 = ----  = Contact information update in Odus Plus and take screen capture and send email to
Week 13 = 14st Dec 12PM (THU) = Make sure to get the supervisor consent form signed by the supervisor before code demonstration
Week 14 = 21st Dec 12PM (THU) = Supervisor’s Progress Monitoring Report
Week 14 = 18th Dec 4PM; 19th Dec 11AM; 21st Dec 11AM (MON, TUE & THU) Code demonstration
Week 14 = 17th Dec 12PM (SUN) = Final report == 15 Marks. Spiral bound copy of the report -- To be submitted to the course instructor
Week 15 = 25th Dec 4PM; 26th Dec 11AM; 28th Dec 11AM (MON, TUE & THU) = Final Presentation
Week 17 = 11th Jan 12PM (THU) = Final Hardbound Report. It should be in blue color. You could refer to a sample at my office. Two hard bound reports should be submitted along with your project software (Please note that any software developed towards your degree at KAU is partly owned by the university). You could submit the hard bounded copy to the course instructor

Forms and Rubrics
General: (1) Students are expected to bring in everything (code, software, hardware, etc) related to their project for all presentations. Committee member can ask any question during these sessions. (2) Students are required to check the Blackboard for updates and not depend on statements by other fellow students or former graduates
  Complaint Report Form  
  Supervisor Changing Form  
  Form for Hardware Request  
For the whole Semester: Summary of Expectations: Weekly meeting with supervisor, Getting signed from supervisor and committee member
   Supervisor Monitoring Form
   Peer Review Form
Poster Evaluation Form: Summary of Expectations: Organization, Clarity, Contents Rubric Template  Good Example
To appear for Code demo and Final presentation: Supervisor Consent & Feedback Form
Code Demonstration
: Summary of Expectations: Thorough understanding of complete code (100% code).  Rubric
Final Report: Summary of Expectations: Complete design, analysis, implementation and testing; Properly formatted report.  Rubric  Word Template To Use
For samples, refer: Home Automation Health Monitoring Automatic Delivery  Parking Lot  Restaurant Automation   
Final Presentation: Summary of Expectations: Objectives achieved or not, Project applicability, Testing, Conclusions. Rubric

Lecture Materials
Reference Management Software: Zotero
Code Testing
  JUnit Examples     JUnit Library
  Android Testing Video    Code for Android Testing  Simple Slide  Simple Table

Unit testing: JUnit; Compatibility testing: Different devices (in case of mobile phones, different phones with different API levels); Performance testingTraceView in Android Studio (trace for salient methods) + Web Application Performance Tool (WAPT); Stress testing: UI/Application Exerciser Monkey (used with adb) + Example: adb shell monkey -p -v 500; System testing: Provide invalid input into the system and see if the errors are caught properly.
 Video: Netbeans using Visual SVN  
 Video: Visual Studio using Visual SVN  
 SVN - Setup, Problems and Solutions
 Github with Android Studio
 Obtain Visual SVN Server Software from  
MVC Pattern
 CodeIgniter Examples  
 CodeIgniter Web Framework Software zip archive  
 Note: CodeIgniter Web Framework software is not needed for making the given examples work as the necessary CodeIgniter's contents are already included in the examples file
Android Connection to Remote Database
 Without JSON Video: Android To MySQL  Android Studio Code
 Android to Remote Database - Information Word document  
 Using JSON Video: Android To MySQL - Part 1  Video: Android To MySQL - Part 2  
 Sample Android + PHP to MySQL Code  
 ASP.NET Code for Android-Database Connectivity 

Other Information
Dreamweaver alternatives
 Quanta Plus (on Linux):  

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10/8/2017 3:06:34 PM