CPIT 695 - Research Seminar

Course Description
General Information
Course instructor is only a facilitator
Students are given choices to choose and they have to choose within those choices
For the smooth running of the course, deadlines are strictly followed

Activities for CPIT-695

ACTIVITY-1 (Week 2 MON) = 25th September 2017 11AM: Potential Supervisors’ Research Seminar
ACTIVITY-2 (Week 3 SUN) = 1st October 2017: Deadline to choose supervisor by students
ACTIVITY-3 (Week 11 TUE and THUR) = 28th and 30th November 2017 11AM: Students’ Seminar
ACTIVITY-4 (Week 15 TUE) = 26th December 2017: Deadline to submit proposal by students

Course Evaluation: Based on proposal Evaluation only. Students' Seminar is for information sharing and views gathering purposes only

Lecture Slides
Our lecture will cover the following topics:
(1) Course Introduction: Lecture 1: Course Introduction
      (1a) What a Graduate student should know?: Advice For Beginners  
             Guide for Students and Advisors [PDF]  
             Guidelines to Graduate Students [PPT]
(2) Research Proposal Expectations: Lecture 2: Research Proposal
(3) Enhancing Reading Skills: Lecture 3: Reading Skills
      (3a) Performing a literature review: For Paper Review: Paper Review Form PDFDOC
      (3b) Identifying the quality of a paper:
            How to Read a CS Research Paper? - PDF  
            Sample Literature Review  
(4) Enhancing Writing Skills: Lecture 4: Writing Skills
            How to write a literature review
            Elements of Style[PPT] Elements of Style - Cheat Sheet [Ours] Elements of Style - Cheat Sheet [Others]
            Handbook of Scholars - Summary
            Chicago Manual of Style - Cheat Sheet[Alphabetical - Ours]  Chicago Manual of Style - Cheat Sheet [Others]
            Style: Handbook of Scholars [PPT]
            Writing for Computer Science [PPT]  Writing for Computer Science - Cheat Sheet [Ours]
            Writing Skills for Practice

            How to write a successful Proposal? - PDF  
      (4a) Making the bibiliography properly: Video: Reference Management Software - Zotero
(5) Presentation: 
Lecture 5: Presentation

Forms and Regulations
Potential Supervisor submits and is circulated to students before ideas presentation: Professor Ideas Form
Student provides three choices: Selection Form for Students
Student presentation is evaluated: Presentation Evaluation and Result Form - 15mts for presentation; 5mts for Q&A
Format for thesis proposal: Thesis Proposal Form - Duration for the gantt chart is 6 months starting from the end of this semester/start of next semester
How is your proposal evaluated?: Proposal Evaluation Form
Funding Description in your proposal (Needed for conference registration, travel and others): Proposal Form with Funding Details
Funding Description: Details about Funding
KAU Proposal Expectation: KAU Proposal Expectation

Information Required to complete MSc Thesis at KAU
Make sure to know about the Process of KAU Thesis and the rules:
KAU Thesis Process    KAU Rules    KAU Rules (In English)
KAU Thesis Format: KAU Thesis Format    KAU Thesis Format (In English)
KAU Regulations: KAU Regulations
IT Department checklist before sending the thesis to Scientific Council: Thesis Checklist at IT Department
Form to submit along with your spiral bound thesis to Scientific Council: Form for Scientific Council Affairs

Request Seminar from Vice Dean of Graduate Studies and Research at FCIT: Seminar Request Form

آخر تحديث
10/30/2017 3:57:26 PM