Web Engineering CPIT 631

Course Description
Web applications are complex systems that deliver a plethora of functionality to a large number of users, and also exhibit unique behaviors and demands in terms of performance, scalability, usability, and security. Web engineering is an emerging and multidisciplinary process that is used to create quality web applications. Web Engineering introduces a structured methodology utilized in software engineering to Web development projects. This course will discuss the limits of current web technologies, the similarities and differences between web and software engineering, design, information and service architectures, content management, and testing disciplines
Contact Email: mibuhari@gmail.com, mesbukary@kau.edu.sa

Course Marking Scheme
Mid-term Exam: 15 Marks
Final Exam: 25 Marks
Assignments (3): 12 Marks each
Paper / Project: 24 Marks
Passing Mark for the course: 70 Marks
Final exam covers all 10 chapters; chapter 4 - only first 11 slides
Final exam format: short questions, long questions, multiple-choice with reasons (or True/False), No coding, may be with some drawings
Exam 1: Introduction, Testing, Project management and Usability; same format as final exam
Date of Exam 1: 1st December 2014 - Monday
Final Exam: Modeling, Architecture, Testing, Usability, Performance, Semantic Web
Date of Exam: 12th January 2015 (Monday) 10AM
Project deadline: 2015




Sample Questions

Papers To Read  - Week 4
Note: Read these five papers and get to know some papers about them
General Papers on Web Engineering
Web Engineering Revised
Web Engineering - http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2011101
Web Engineering: An Introduction
General Papers on Requirements Engineering for Web Applications
Requirements Engineering for Web Applications
General Papers on Web Engineering Models
Model Based Rich-Internet Applications Crawling

Technical Papers
You are given some technical papers to read and prepare yourself for publications. These papers are grouped under different sections. These are just some samples, you could identify a different area and work also
We will target journals like Journal of Web Engineering
Writing Papers: Two students can form a group to write a single paper. For literature review, you are to use ieee explore, sciencedirect, journal of web engineering, etc. While reviewing papers, students are required to use "Paper Review Form" given to them
For Paper Review: Paper Review Form PDF DOC
Here, you are required to use reference management system like zotero or Mendeley or Endnote
Video: Reference Management Software - Zotero

Lecture Slides - Send via Email
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Web Engineering
Lecture 2 - Modeling Web Applications
Lecture 3 - Web Application Architectures
Lecture 4 - Web Technologies
Lecture 5 - Web Testing
Lecture 6 - Web Project Management
Lecture 7 - Web Usability
Lecture 8 - Web Performance
Lecture 9 - Web Security
Lecture 10 - Semantic Web
Lecture Slides on Web Effort Estimation and Web Quality
UML Slides

Practical Examples
JUnit Examples  Library Files
Anrdoid Testing Video         Android Testing Code
Semantic Web Setup    Practical Codes
Ruby on Rails Tutorial
Java EE Tutorial    Simple Java EE Exercise
Video: Netbeans using Visual SVN

Practical Video Lectures
Jini - Apache River
WebServices - Part 1
WebServices - Part 2
WebServices - Part 3
WebServices - Part 4
WebServices - Part 5

Lecture Discussions
Practice: Web Services and i18n, JUnit, Security testing, Jini, UML - UML to code
Lecture Discussion + Homework + Project
Latex Introduction
Java code for Internationalization  - Resource Bundle
XML and XSL example
Credit Report Simple WSDL
UWE: http://uwe.pst.ifi.lmu.de/index.html
JavaBeans, Struts: http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~mpetropo/CSE510-FA09
JavaServlet, JSF: http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~mpetropo/CSE510-FA09

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